Sekola – Chapter One: Coralala

His name was Yafala Sekola Kokare. He was a male of the Ya’a Naomi, a race that resembles a cross between the human and the raccoon. His five-thruster spaceship was blasting towards the Earth at full speed. All he had was his space ship, a few supplies, a few odd trinkets, an amulet he wore around his neck, the laari, or sarong, which was wrapped about his waist, and a piece of stone with weird writing and symbols that he wanted to find the meaning of. Continue reading 

Operation Miramichi

A young cryptography officer tapped away carefully, looking back and forth from the newly intercepted transmission, taking an occasional sip of coffee from his custom made mug, a crafty cup made in the shape of his favorite science-fiction hero Rick Rogers, and putting it down next to his chess club championship plaque all while trying to make sense what appeared to be a jumbled pile of nonsense… Continue reading 

The Women of Azzara, Planet Azar

The legend of a species of women named the Azzara on planet Azar, located near the right-hand of the centre of the Milky Way, is very interesting, because it has manifested in the dreams of a prophetess here on Earth, the details of which are quite remarkable. The prophetess asked the artist to paint them according to her descriptions, and was well pleased with the result. The prophetess persists that the planet and the women are still at work, and, although she will remain unnamed per request, she has already become famous for her accuracy…. Continue reading