I’m not from this dimension, at least not originally. I was originally born on a distant planet in the star system known here on Earth as the constellation Pleiades. I came to earth and incarnated in a body as a human… Continue reading
I’m not from this dimension, at least not originally. I was originally born on a distant planet in the star system known here on Earth as the constellation Pleiades. I came to earth and incarnated in a body as a human… Continue reading
A young cryptography officer tapped away carefully, looking back and forth from the newly intercepted transmission, taking an occasional sip of coffee from his custom made mug, a crafty cup made in the shape of his favorite science-fiction hero Rick Rogers, and putting it down next to his chess club championship plaque all while trying to make sense what appeared to be a jumbled pile of nonsense… Continue reading
The legend of a species of women named the Azzara on planet Azar, located near the right-hand of the centre of the Milky Way, is very interesting, because it has manifested in the dreams of a prophetess here on Earth, the details of which are quite remarkable. The prophetess asked the artist to paint them according to her descriptions, and was well pleased with the result. The prophetess persists that the planet and the women are still at work, and, although she will remain unnamed per request, she has already become famous for her accuracy…. Continue reading
It was snowing. Children played outside in the winter wonderland, throwing snowballs at one another, chasing each other, making snow angels with smiles on their faces. Christmas was coming, and snow, more than anything else, symbolized what the holiday was all about. Continue reading
I’m thankful that one day you are going to die. That one day your blood will be split and it shall be washed away like water flowing into a drain. I am thankful that one day, someone’s going to snap, grab a meat cleaver and tear your face apart. Rip your ears off. Your eyes. Your nose. Your lips. I am thankful that one day, I can smile as I stand above your grave and slam a knife deep into the toxic soil. And I will whisper softly, “this is why I’m thankful” as you burn below in hell’s infinite fires… Continue reading
She had been standing in the detergent isle for 20 minutes now, just staring at the bleach. For the last two months she had been meaning to bleach her white shirts, but never seemed to get around it until now. Or maybe she never really wanted to until now. “No Name Bleach” She repeated to herself. No decision ever seemed as complicated right now. “It shouldn’t take someone 20 minutes to choose bleach. It’s just bleach,” she reassured herself… Continue reading