I’m less than zero



The criminal cabal
are out to get me
but they say that to them I

am less than zero
and i better pay up
all that i owe them
by tomorrow.
I know i’m just
a worthless eater – their words, not mine
and everyone, all the time
wants the filthy lucre of which
I have none
except less than a bare minimum
to survive onSeems the criminal cabal
they know who I am
I must’ve got their attention
being a warrior of the light
they are evil, pure, unadulterated evil
and satanically operate
their evil system of crueltyand I try to fight their system, at least a little
and I try to survive in this dense third dimension
which they so well control
I think that I must’ve
gotten their attention
when I made a gain
and helped save this world.

but I know i’m just
a worthless eater – their words, not mine
and everyone, all the time
wants all the filthy lucre of which
I have none
except less than a bare minimum
to survive on

so they have their collection agencies
threaten my life
and say if I don’t pay
it’s all over for me
and since I don’t have
their filthy lucre
I guess that means
I will die at the evil, bloody hands
of the criminal cabal
who use usury as a control tool
and let human nature take its course.

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